Hanningfield Green 


Bury St Edmunds 


IP29 4QD 

Just A Thought

John Lennox, Professor of Mathematics at Oxford University made this interesting statement in relation to creation, “There are not many options - essentially just two. Either human intelligence ultimately owes its origin to mindless matter; or there is a creator. It is strange that some people claim that it is their intelligence that leads them to prefer the first option rather than the second.” 

It’s interesting to note that throughout the whole Bible, there’s never an argument for the existence of God. In fact, one of the few verses that address the issue states that it is ‘the fool who says in his heart, there is no God’ Psalm 14 verse 1. But it reveals one fundamental truth about the atheistic worldview - it’s definitely mistaken. The atheistic worldview tells us that billions of years ago, a random chance event happened where matter came into existence. And through an innumerable series of other random events, over billions of years, inanimate matter evolved into the life we have today - nothing creating something - which does appear foolish. 

But God has declared that, “Since the creation of the world His invisible attributes are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made…, so that we are without excuse” Romans 1 v 20; that is, no excuse for thinking He doesn’t exist and that we’re not accountable to Him. Whether we choose to believe it or not, ‘each of us shall give account of ourselves to God’ Romans 14 v 12, and be judged accordingly. However, although unable to settle the account ourselves because ‘the redemption of our souls is costly…, that we should continue to live eternally and not see the Pit’ Psalm 49 v 8-9, the good news is that God, in His great love for us, provided that redemption when Jesus died on the cross; He satisfied His justice by ‘laying on Him (Jesus) the sin (and it’s penalty) of us all’ Isaiah 53 v 6 – that is, all who come to Him in repentance and willingly submit their lives to Him.